
Hi, I'm Sabra.

I'm a writer, editor, marketer, wife, friend and mom. And I wanna talk about all of it with you. Honestly. So, let's do this.

Scouting. Or, Should We Say ... Shopping?

Scouting. Or, Should We Say ... Shopping?

Either way, I love it. If photo shoots are my favorite part of the job, then scouting comes in at a close second. Who doesn't love to discover treasure, hidden or not?

I'm working on a pitch for a local magazine about the surge in popularity of vintage clothing. Vintage has always been around for the fashion set, the period clothing enthusiast and anyone planning to attend a theme party. But these days, it has become much more acceptable, and accessible, for everyone.

I'm a huge fan of anything unique, beautiful and vintage, so I jumped at the chance to visit Amalgamated Classic Clothing and Dry Goods here in Alexandria last week. I had a fantastic talk with shop owner Shelley White about vintage for everyday and about the "other side" of vintage: costume rental and sales for TV, film and theater. White also supplies inspiration pieces to famous designers like Tory Burch and sells vintage pieces to the stars. (She recently sold a piece to Katie Holmes that was once owned by Molly Ringwald.)

I think I might need to be a vintage retailer and supplier in the second half of my life. But until then, I'll just keep browsing local stores like Amalgamated and enjoying the thrill of the hunt for the perfect piece — all in the name of a good story.  Everything is so tactile and colorful, and White styles everything so cleverly, I couldn't resist sharing a few scouting shots. Enjoy!

Cool, simple store front. If only the light was better.

Cool, simple store front. If only the light was better.



Clever way to display a great pair of pumps.

Clever way to display a great pair of pumps.

Those boots!

Those boots!

Gorgeous fabric, lovely smocking and fantastic big buttons. Such beautiful detail.

Gorgeous fabric, lovely smocking and fantastic big buttons. Such beautiful detail.

That's Shelley, sporting a lovely vintage dress of her own, pricing a pretty 1960s number.

That's Shelley, sporting a lovely vintage dress of her own, pricing a pretty 1960s number.

Amalgamated specializes in men's vintage. And that's a big deal, because men's vintage is very hard to find.

Amalgamated specializes in men's vintage. And that's a big deal, because men's vintage is very hard to find.

Awesome fabrics found nowhere else.

Awesome fabrics found nowhere else.

Stripes are so in this season. Someone will scoop this top up in a hurry.

Stripes are so in this season. Someone will scoop this top up in a hurry.

Even the tags are pretty.

Even the tags are pretty.



Bead work for days.

Bead work for days.

Who doesn't love baubles?

Who doesn't love baubles?



There's a pair in every color.

There's a pair in every color.

White collects vintage posters and ads, too. There are so many on display at the shop.

White collects vintage posters and ads, too. There are so many on display at the shop.

I'd love to know who wore this black hat back in the day.

I'd love to know who wore this black hat back in the day.

Love the tags.

Love the tags.

I'll take them all.

I'll take them all.

These tops look right at home hanging in front of a floral fabric backdrop.

These tops look right at home hanging in front of a floral fabric backdrop.

Battling Inertia? Me too. Here's what's helping me out.

Battling Inertia? Me too. Here's what's helping me out.

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The 7 Best Blogs for Writers