
Hi, I'm Sabra.

I'm a writer, editor, marketer, wife, friend and mom. And I wanna talk about all of it with you. Honestly. So, let's do this.

Don't wait to start blogging.

Don't wait to start blogging.

If you own a small business and are considering setting up a blog for e-commerce, to bring in ad revenue, or to use as a marketing or networking tool, congrats. If you write well, post consistently and keep up with your commenters, a blog can be a wonderfully rewarding, community-building thing.

But if you’re just getting started, it can all be so intimidating. What if the design isn’t right?

What if your platform or content doesn’t bring in the readers you want right off the bat?

Chances are, it won’t. It’s really tough to make it in the over-populated blogosphere. That’s why you have to start now and post consistently and often.

Too many people hold off on generating content until their brand design and blog design are perfect. And that’s a mistake. While consistent posting in the beginning stages might not get you noticed instantly, especially if the look of your blog leaves something to be desired, it does serve a second, possibly more important, purpose: building longevity and credibility over the long term.

Think of it as an investment in your future. You’re stockpiling great work now so that, when your brand and blog finally achieve the design and organization you crave, you’ll have hundreds of great stories to populate it with. And voila! An instant treasure-trove for your readers (at least they’ll think it’s instant).

Remember: A gorgeous shell is just that, a shell. Better to prepare to fill that beautiful format with content to match. With more to explore, readers are more likely spend more time on your site. And no matter what your goals for blogging are, you’ll win out in that scenario.

And please don’t give up! Successful blogs, like successful businesses, don't become so overnight. If you need some inspiration to keep that content flowing, check out this fantastic post at on the power of grit.

Please pardon our mess.

Please pardon our mess.

Popular Science says "no" to commenting. What does that say about journalism?

Popular Science says "no" to commenting. What does that say about journalism?