
Hi, I'm Sabra.

I'm a writer, editor, marketer, wife, friend and mom. And I wanna talk about all of it with you. Honestly. So, let's do this.

Take a Breath, Then Dive Back In


I'm still tackling some pretty intense deadlines and before I left for the Labor Day trip during which I took this serendipitous photo, (my lens was fogged by the humidity, hence the strange and wonderful color and blur) I was dealing with some major professional guilt. As a business owner and at-home worker, it's sometimes difficult to separate work from everything else. When there's so much you could be doing and your office is just right upstairs, your workload can be a pretty powerful draw.

Just before I left, I read this great archive post from, the blog and web site for the authors of "The Boss of You: Everything a Woman Needs to Know to Start, Run and Maintain Her Own Business." Find more on that here.

I won't summarize the post except to say that it advocates self-care and rest, even (and sometimes especially) in the face of looming deadlines. You should definitely read it.

I'm back, refreshed and ready to create, thanks to my lovely mini break. I hope everyone had a great long weekend.

Beautiful, Useful, True, Unique and Lasting

Accomplishment can be your best motivation.

Accomplishment can be your best motivation.