

Fancy meeting
you here.

I'm Sabra, a professional writer and content director with a journalistic heart and a passion for good storytelling. I live in Indianapolis with my husband, two dogs and our seven-year-old son. By day, I work as a content director and editor / writer for multiple clients. By night, I can be found cooking, crocheting, running (mostly to counteract the cooking) and listening to whatever audiobook or podcast I'm into at the time. (This one changed my life earlier this year.)

I believe life is made better by the creative pursuit, however each one of us defines it. I'm committed to simple beauty and great design in everyday life, and I believe we shouldn't have to spend a lot of money to achieve it. I started this blog to write about writing, but soon discovered how much I wanted to talk about other things, too: family, home, careers, home decor and the like.

So that's where I am now. "A Writer's Life." Emphasis: Life.

Thanks for being a part of mine.